Put a Stop to Stress-Induced Hair Loss and Restore Emotional Balance

Every individual is so much more than a physical body, but an integration of a body of sensitivity and feelings, spirituality, and life energy. Dr. Bach believed that flower essences work together with the subtle bodies to help people with physical illnesses by addressing their negative emotional responses. It was this belief that made him the proponent of Bach flower therapy.

Bach flower therapy highlights the importance of flower essences considered as energetic imprints of the life force of plants. It works on the premise that the remedies contain certain aspects of the plant’s energy which, in turn, affects the energy field of the patient and by doing so helps people integrate their emotions. Widely considered as an alternative hair loss treatment, Bach flower therapy helps relieve negative emotions including stress and anxiety that are largely associated with hair loss.

The aim of this alternative medical system is not to cure any disease; instead, it works by bringing about positive energy when we are surrounded by negative emotions like frustration, insecurity, jealousy, anxiety, hatred etc. These emotions lead to a variety of illnesses and a condition like hair loss.

Read more on Put a Stop to Stress-Induced Hair Loss and Restore Emotional Balance

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